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JustGiving is a tech-for-good company that facilitates donations and fundraising for charities. In 2001, JustGiving launched as the first UK online fundraising platform and has grown to include a database of users which covers 89% of UK postcodes. This translates to over 6 million active users in the last 12 months (2015). Each user that transacts has achieved a certain standard of verification, with a proportion achieving a greater degree of verification.
As JustGiving continues to expand and offer new and innovative services in online and mobile fundraising, they are active in exploring new models of online identification. They are conscious of the need to maintain trust for both their donors and the fundraising community, particularly in regards to crowdfunding.
This OIX UK Discovery project looked to explore a potential relationship between JustGiving and GOV.UK Verify and how JustGiving users responded to that relationship where their information was concerned.
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