End Date
01 Oct 2016
Customers of Norwegian banks have a very simple experience for opening a bank account. A customer can use a ‘Bank ID’ digital identity issued by one Norwegian bank to open or login to a bank account with any other Norwegian bank. They can also use it to access public services. When Norwegians move overseas for work or education they expect opening a bank account to be almost as easy as it is at home. That is not the case.
The project tested the following hypothesis: ‘Individuals coming to the UK will be inclined and able to open a UK bank account online, prior to arriving into the country, using their national digital identity.’ It reflected on how new UK and EU initiatives on digital identity might create a simpler life for the customer and reduce overheads for the banks.
Barclays, NorgeID, Difi (Norwegian Government), Cabinet Office, FCA and BBA
Learn about the project and its results in the Project Report.