Working Group Scope
Terms of Reference:
- ID Wallet types
- Aligning trust framework to wallets
- Deviceless Wallets
- Credential types and how these come together into one wallet
- Wallet Scope. Payments, CDBCs
- Opens Vs Closed ecosystems
- Portability of credentials
- Trustmarks for wallets Vs frameworks/schemes
- Liability for wallet providers Vs issuers
- Federation - technical interoperability
- Wallet to wallet interactions: peer to peer
- Delegated access / authority management
- Smart Wallet capability: programmability. Agents.
- Update OIX trust framework IdP role to Reusable ID / Wallet Provider? Review other roles
- Walk through OIX trust framework and determine gaps for wallet providers
- Consider EU and Canadian policy documents as we do this.
- Make recommendations to DSIT on how DIATF is evolved.
- Consistent terminology – update OIX glossary / taxonomy
- How do we make this consistent for RPs
- Relying on credentials in a non-repudiatable manner (OIX/OIDF/OWF)