The Investing and Saving Alliance’s (TISA) ambition is to improve the financial wellbeing of UK consumers by bringing the financial services savings industry together to promote collective engagement, to deliver solutions and to champion innovation for the benefit of people, our industry and the nation.
A key focus area for TISA is Digital, and within that Digital Identity. Working with members TISA is defining and creating a Trust Scheme that will allow ID Providers and ID Brokers to be accredited to provide AML KYC ID Verification.
TISA is creating a Trust Scheme that will allow ID Provers and ID Brokers to be accredited to provide Digital ID services that are compliant with AML KYC Guidelines for ID Verification and Anti-impersonation in the UK. The scheme will enable users with certified IDs to instantly prove who they are when they open (or re-verify) an account with a Financial Services Firm. This will improve onboard Experian and success rates for both users and financial services firms. The scheme will be a "industry process" that accredits ID services providers to the JMLSG guidelines and Digital ID best practise.