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OIX encourages membership from all elements of the ID ecosystem.
If you are a provider of identity services or a representative of an organisation that relies on verified IDs within its business processes, your input into the development of our gui
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Open market models underpin the development of a sector that is innovative, competitive and focused on user needs. This includes: More choice for eCommerce and product managers about the policies that they apply to user interactions. Market pricing fo
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Yes, the key challenge to providing identity assurance at scale is removing the need for direct trust agreements between ID services providers and those who rely on IDs for their business processes. OIX is a membership community for all those involved
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Organisations need confidence that any ID presented is genuine and compliant. For universal acceptance, we need Trust Frameworks that everyone recognises. To build a Trust Framework you need clear guidance for ID services development - and that’s w
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In short: consumers want a single, trusted ID that they can use anywhere. Organisations need to know they can trust IDs that have been created elsewhere.
Trust requires a standard, recognised approach to the creation and verification of IDs. This
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The OIX Board is made up of leaders in identity across multiple sectors - including government services, internet, telecom and data aggregation air travel and banking. Their role is to ensure that OIX's guidance straddles the requirements of commercia
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Benefits exclusively available to OIX members include:
Collaborate with government, ID Services providers, users of trusted IDs and key influencers to build pragmatic, industry-wide solutions to common issues.
Exclusive, free access to OIX though
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OIX is a community for all those involved in the ID sector to connect and collaborate, developing the guidance needed for inter-operable, trusted identities Through our guide to Trust Frameworks, we create the rules, tools and confidence that will al
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