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Discovering the Needs for UK Identity Assurance
Discovering the Needs for UK Identity Assurance
By: Emma Lindley, Innovate Identity - 27 Sep 2015
In order to understand the overall UK market meeds better, OIX has been asked by its members to run a discovery exercise during 2015 to understand what the private sector needs are for digital identity services, how these relate to central government needs and what questions would arise when considering the potential development of sector-based and cross-sector approaches to identity assurance.
This white paper reports on the initial phase to this work in May 2015 led by OIX and facilitated by KPMG, a workshop that took place with senior representatives of some of the UK’s biggest organisations from a wide cross section of industries. It also sets out a scope and structure for how this work will be expanded beyond those organisations that were represented in May, to understand the wider identity needs across the UK. Industry participation in this project is encouraged, and details of how to engage in this process can be found in the conclusions section of this document.
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