We have one purpose: to create a community for all those involved in the ID sector to connect and collaborate. Together we create the rules, tools and confidence to support the acceptance of universally trusted IDs and eligibility information.
A guide to creating interoperable Trusted Identities through the development of Trust Frameworks. These can be used by anyone responsible for defining and implementing Trust Frameworks and considering thier interoperability. It is also useful for those who rely on the trust provided through a Trust Framework or Trust Scheme, including regulators and buyers of trust.
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David is the Co-Founder, Chief Executive and Platform Architect of Mydex Data Services Community Interest Company that delivers a Safe Secure Cloud encompassing digital identity, personal data exchange and reference data services that is live and certified and working across the public, private and third sector for the last 17 years.
David is the former Director of Strategy...
My experience in work with various organisations across data, application and infrastructure architecture, my leadership of technical standards in the OpenID Foundation, as well as direct implementation experience ofcustomer and workforce identity systems all give me a solid foundation to contribute from.
I am interested in the tensions between matters of privacy and protection of end-users and the challenges of commercial and governmental use, and misuse of data as ...